Does Home Insurance Cover Roof Damage?
Apr 25, 2023

Insurance. Bring it up in any conversation and you’re guaranteed to get a few groans. That said, if you’re hearing groans, it’s because people know about it. These days, there’s insurance for everything, from your pets to your home. While most folks may not necessarily insure their kid’s guinea pig, homeowners’ insurance is just one of those things you absolutely need to have if you, well, own a home. Without it, you’ll be left floundering on your own in the event of a disaster, no matter how big or how small.
Can Roof Leak be Covered by Insurance Canada?
Roof damages can be particularly frustrating for homeowners, because of the sheer importance of having a sound roof over your head. While you might think that homeowners’ insurance covers roof leaks and roof damage in general, you’ll actually have to read your policy over carefully to find out for sure… and even then, you’ll notice that coverage actually depends on a whole range of factors!
Can You Claim a New Roof Through Insurance?
As a general rule, home insurance policies will cover roof damage and thus roof services in Toronto that is caused by sudden and accidental events. This can include severe weather events like hail or wind storms, as well as falling trees or branches. However, it’s important to note that most policies will not cover damage that is caused by wear and tear, or by neglect. And yet then, for you to get anything, you need to know how to get insurance to pay for roof replacement. You can only know if you read your policy or call the insurance representative.
No Two Plans Are The Same
Don’t be fooled into thinking that home insurance plans are interchangeable. In Ontario, there are close to 200 insurance companies, all offering a range of different coverage options – and conditions. This is because the home insurance industry is not regulated in the same way as auto insurance, and so protection really depends on the individual plan.
Given how many companies there are, you should do a thorough job of researching different options in order to choose the best plan for your home. For instance, you may discover that one plan charges extra for things that are simply included as part of another plan. It’s your job to thoroughly compare these sorts of factors and to ask questions before you make a purchase. Ask questions like, does home insurance cover repairs and how many shingles need to be missing for insurance to pay for a new roof?
It All Comes Down to Your Policy
To find out if your home insurance policy covers roof damage, you’ll have to take a close look at the fine print. In particular, you should be on the lookout for what’s known as “named perils” coverage. This type of home insurance only covers damage that is specifically named in your policy.
Home Insurance Roof Age
Home insurance roof age varies by insurer. Roofs under ten years old at the time the claim is made are generally not an issue. For roofs ten years or over, your insurance company may only cover the depreciated value of the roof. This means the roof is only worth a fraction of what it would cost to replace the roof today.
However, if a portion of your roof is over 25 years old, you may have difficulty getting coverage for that section. In order to figure out the age of your roof, you can either consult your original blueprints or ask a professional contractor to take a look.
Homeowners’ homework: maintenance
Now let’s say your roof gets damaged in some way, shape or form, and you’ve contacted your insurance company to have the repair costs covered. Don’t be surprised if they send somebody over to inspect your roof and to take pictures of it. Insurers want to determine the condition of your roof prior to the damages. This means depending on the problem, they’ll be inspecting everything from your gutters to your attic.
Homeowners need to do their homework on a regular basis, maintaining the roof in good condition throughout the seasons, year in and year out so that it is at less risk of getting damaged. Those of you who neglect your duties will be penalized by insurers, as they will not give you as good coverage as you might otherwise receive if the roof was well maintained.
For instance, if you live in an area that receives heavy snowfall, it’s important not to skip out on winter maintenance – things like clearing off heavy snow loads, icicles and ice dams. No excuses! Even if you’re unable to make it up onto the roof yourself, call your roofing contractor to deal with issues as they spring up, or else you’ll be at risk of dealing with even worse problems down the road. Roof repair might seem like a piece of cake when it’s a single missing shingle… but if half your roof is leaking, your insurers are going to take a good, hard look at how well you’ve maintained your home over the years.
Tree troubles
Mother nature is responsible for a lot of the calls roofers and insurers get from anxious homeowners. Some issues can be pretty clear cut, while others can get pretty complicated. Tree troubles can be particularly grievous, especially if they don’t just involve your own house, but maybe even your neighbour’s home too.
The thing is, if a tree that is found on your property falls over or somehow causes damage to your neighbours’ property or even to a person, then the circumstances don’t just involve you and the insurer, because they now also involve a third-party claim as well. As the owner of the tree, it’s your job to maintain it just as you would your roof.
Check for rot, even if the tree looks perfectly fine on the outside. You also need to prune the branches, and make sure there aren’t other signs of sickness that could weaken the tree in any way. Fail to do so, and the insurers will say you’re at fault if something goes wrong. This applies whether a tree tears a hole in the roof of your house – or that of your neighbour.
What Roof Types Get You Cheaper Insurance?
As you can see, there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to home insurance and roof damage. In order to be sure that you’re covered, you need to take the time to read your policy carefully and do some research on the best type of coverage for your needs. If you have any questions, be sure to contact D’Angelo & Sons. We’ll be happy to help.
In order to get cheaper insurance, it is important to have a roof that is in good condition and made of materials that are less likely to be damaged in a storm. Some types of roofs that will get you cheaper insurance rates are metal roofs, tile roofs, and slate roofs. If you are not sure what type of roof you have, you can contact your insurance company to find out. They will be able to give you a list of eligible roof types for cheaper rates.
Metal roofs are fire resistant and can withstand high winds better than most other types of roofs. They are also very durable and last a long time. Tile roofs are also fire resistant and can withstand high winds, but they are not as durable as metal roofs and may need to be replaced more often. Slate roofs are very durable and fire-resistant, but they are very expensive. If you have a slate roof, you will most likely pay more for your insurance than if you had a metal or tile roof.
How to Save on Home Insurance Irrespective of Your Roof Type
There are a few things you can do to save on your home insurance, irrespective of your roof type. One way to save is to have a roof that’s new or in good condition. If your roof is in bad shape, it’s more likely to be damaged in a storm and will cost more to repair or replace. Insurance companies also consider the age of your roof when setting rates. A newer roof will be less expensive to insure than an older one.
You can also save on home insurance by installing a roof designed to withstand high winds or by retrofitting your existing roof. These measures can help reduce the damage done to your home in a storm and will make it less expensive to insure. You can also save by installing a roof that’s fire-resistant. This will help protect your home from damage caused by wildfires.
Regular maintenance can also help you save on home insurance. By keeping your roof in good condition, you can avoid the need for costly repairs or replacements. You can also avoid paying for damages caused by neglect.
However, before you make any adjustments to your roof, contact your insurance representative to see if the changes will result in a discount on your premium. Some insurance companies offer discounts for specific types of roofs, so it’s worth checking to see if you could be eligible for a break on your rates.
Another way to save is to shop around and compare rates from different companies. Insurance rates can vary widely, so it’s important to get quotes from several companies before choosing a policy. You can use an online comparison tool to get quotes from multiple insurers at once.
When you’re shopping for home insurance, be sure to ask about discounts. Many insurers offer discounts for things like installing a new roof or retrofitting an existing one. You may also be able to get a discount if you have a roof that’s fire-resistant.
Keep in mind that the cheapest policy isn’t always the best. Be sure to read the fine print and understand the coverage before you buy. It’s also a good idea to contact your state insurance department to make sure the company is licensed to sell insurance in your state.
Best Roof Shape for Cheaper Insurance
The shape of your roof can also affect your insurance rates. A hip roof, which has four sides that all slope downwards to the walls, is more resistant to wind damage than a gable roof, which has two sloping sides. This means that a hip roof will typically cost less to insure than a gable roof.
A flat roof is also typically more expensive to insure than a hip roof. This is because a flat roof is more prone to weather damage. It is also more susceptible to burglary. If you live in an area with a lot of crime, a flat roof may not be the best choice for you.
If you’re looking for ways to save on your home insurance, it’s important to consider your roof type. If you’re not sure what type of roof you have, you can contact your insurance company to find out. They will be able to give you a list of eligible roof types for cheaper rates.
Some Final Words of Advice
At this point you may be wondering, “if I have a roof leak should I call insurance?” The answer is… it depends. If the damage is minimal and you think you can repair it without any issue, then you don’t need to contact your insurer. However, if the damage is more significant, or if you’re not sure whether you can fix it, then it’s always best to give your insurance company a call.
The main thing you need to know when it comes to homeowners’ insurance is that it’s not a magic wand that waives damage-related fees if you forget to keep your house in working order. You absolutely need to keep your home maintained on a regular basis, whether you have an all-perils policy (which protects you in the event of most problems), or a named-perils policy (which applies only to a specific list of perils, like lightning, wind or fire). Read the policy before you buy it and ask as many detailed roof-related and other questions as you need to have a thorough understanding of what you are signing up for.
Don’t forget that it’s up to you to keep your insurers in the loop whenever there are any changes to your home, for better or for worse. Should a problem occur, it’s also your responsibility to take the immediate first steps (if it’s safe to do so) to mitigate further damages. For instance, if your roof is leaking today, don’t allow it to keep on leaking until the whole thing is at risk of caving in.
Deal with damages immediately, but keep all your receipts, photographs and notes so that you can be prepared to get your money back for expenses incurred (so long as the damage is covered by your policy). In this modern-day, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t have copies of photos, videos and documents backed up to keep track of the state of your home, whether it’s before or after a problem occurs! Irritating though it may be, by keeping good documentation, you’ll be well prepared to deal with the insurers should the need arise. With good luck, however, you’ll never need to call your insurers at all!
Contact Us for a Free Roof Repair or Replacement Quote
As you can see, though, there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to home insurance and roof damage. In order to be sure that you’re covered, you need to take the time to read your policy carefully and do some research on the best type of coverage for your needs. If you have any questions, be sure to contact D’Angelo & Sons today at (905) 387 3000. We’ll be happy to help.